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Using nutritional supplements to treat skin problems

Using nutritional supplements to treat skin problems

Using nutritional supplements to treat skin problems

The search for the most appropriate supplement remains difficult, in light of the many types available in the market. Experts in this field stress the need to take nutritional supplements as a treatment that can extend up to 3 months to benefit from their effectiveness. This is in addition to the need not to mix more than one food supplement without medical supervision to avoid any unwanted interactions.

What solutions do these supplements offer?

Nutritional supplements have the ability to contribute to solving many cosmetic problems, most notably:

Pimples treatment and oily skin care

For oily skin problems, look for zinc-rich supplements due to its anti-inflammatory and scar-healing effects. It contributes to promoting tissue growth and regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, and it is also recommended to attach it to lactoferrin, which has an antibacterial effect, or to burdock, which has an anti-toxin and anti-inflammatory effect, with a calming effect and a control over sebum secretions. It can also be combined with nettle extract, which purifies the skin and helps lighten its color.

Lines and wrinkles treatment

When taken as a nutritional supplement, hyaluronic acid helps in promoting youthful skin, especially if it coincides with its use in cosmetic creams and wrinkle-removing injections. It strengthens the ability of cells to retain moisture, and its effect can be enhanced if it is accompanied by vitamin C, collagen, and omega-3 that maintain moisture in the skin.

Skin sagging treatment

To protect the skin from sagging, it is recommended to choose a food supplement rich in collagen, especially since between the ages of 20 and 50, the body loses about 50% of its collagen production capacity, and therefore it needs support in this field. Some nutritional supplements play a role in promoting collagen production, and when they contain vitamin C and selenium, they contribute to protecting the skin from premature aging.

Treating loss of skin tone

To maintain the suppleness of the skin, look for nutritional supplements rich in carnosine, this peptide prevents the hardening of our tissue fibers under the influence of sugar intake. It also, when combined with rosmarinic acid, contributes to maintaining the activity of collagen-making fibers.

Treat dry skin in winter

To protect the skin from dehydration in the winter, look for nutritional supplements rich in essential fatty acids necessary for our body, since the latter is unable to manufacture them and only obtains them from food. The body's access to these acids decreases when undergoing a diet or when adopting an unbalanced diet. In this case, it is recommended to take a nutritional supplement rich in Borache oil, or coconut oil in the case of sensitive skin, and primrose oil in the case of mature skin.

Treatment of loss of vitality

To restore vitality to the skin, it is recommended to take a dietary supplement rich in beta-carotene and copper, provided that these two components are accompanied by selenium and vitamin E to prevent the early appearance of small wrinkles, or vitamin C to protect the skin from oxidative stress.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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