
How to get a slim body without dieting..rules and foundations

Your way of eating undoubtedly affects your body shape, weight, and even your health and fitness in general, so here are the 5 most important rules for a slim body:

1- Reduce caffeine, white sugar and fast and canned food, as it has been proven that these types of food trap fat in the body and eating it prevents the body from burning it easily

How to get a slim body without dieting..rules and foundations

2- Eat fish oils capsules, they are full of omega 3, as taking omega 3 in sufficient quantity for the body helps burn fat accumulated in the body, especially with daily movement.

How to get a slim body without dieting..rules and foundations

3- Always eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. At this time, the appetite is low, so when you eat a good breakfast, it stimulates the burning of the body throughout the day and provides it with energy, and so on, whatever time you wake up and how busy you are, eat a quick sandwich or two fruits or even a cup of yogurt that will activate Burning in your body.

How to get a slim body without dieting..rules and foundations

4- Weekly reward yourself with a meal of the foods you desire that do not belong to the diet, but take care that they are healthy as well. A piece of chocolate cake with nuts is healthy food, but it is not suitable for the diet, and consider that the rest of the day is healthy and light food.

How to get a slim body without dieting..rules and foundations

5- Never eat after eight o'clock in the evening, at this time your body begins to calm down and your body's organs naturally begin to reduce their activity in preparation for rest, and when you surprise them with a heavy meal, they are not burned but stored directly as fat.

How to get a slim body without dieting..rules and foundations

It is very important for everyone who loves to be fit to learn the right choices of foods, for example, oil instead of ghee or butter, and skim milk instead of full fat, and it is preferable that the milk be organic, as it is sure to be free of hormones and chemicals. Bread consisting of water, flour can only milk.

How to get a slim body without dieting..rules and foundations

The real idea here is in the right choices and in simple tricks that guarantee you a permanent weight loss without deprivation.

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